
Yoga Prana Vidya Level I

Yoga Prana Vidya is an ancient Method of Balancing the Physical Body, the Personality, one’s Life and Environment. This Method uses Knowledge about the Existence of the Energy Bodies – which Surround and Infuse the Physical Body with Vital Life Force. This “Life Force” is contained within every aspect of Life and may be directed from one person to another person, to an object, to plants, to one’s business or to anyone or anything that requires Energetic Support, Harmonizing or Strengthening. These improvements occur through the Application of Techniques and Protocols that utilize Chi Energy or Prana. Very frequently an additional Supply of Energy is required to establish a Solid Equilibrium within the various components of the Body’s Physical and Energy Systems – including its Electromagnetic Field and Subtle Bodies. Yoga Prana Vidya Level I teaches one how to achieve Balance of various factors with Energy alone – without ever Physically Touching another person … What can you Learn in two days? How to Feel Subtle Energy How to Evaluate various “Layers” of the Energy Bodies and other Nuances of Subtle Energy Rapidly & accurately finding areas where a person’s Energy is constricted or where “Energy Blockages” occur. Learning how Remove them Learning how Project Fresh Vital Life Force Learning to Achieve Internal Stillness through Invocation, Prayer and Meditation Learning to use the Power of Yogic Breathing or Pranayama Using Easy Physical Exercises to Increase your Energy Practical Application of Energy for various needs Yoga Prana Vidya was compiled by the Life Partner of Maha Atma Choa Kok Sui – Charlotte Anderson. After this workshop a Practitioner will immediately and successfully be able to perform Miraculous Treatments. Why is this workshop important for you? It will: Train you on the Fundamental Techniques of Pranic Energy Healing Provide you with a life-long tool to increase Well-Being daily Activate your Personal Techniques for Energy Restoration Allow you to change your own life through understanding Energy Teach you simple knowledge about the Energy Body – which offers the possibility to adapt a holistic understanding of the broad scope of the World of Energy This Workshop will take 2 days or around 16 hours. The information will be transmitted in a simple and clear way. Anyone who is interested can participate this workshop. The Target is to be able to use the Learned Skills immediately! The Workshop Time: Approximately 16 Hours Prerequisites: None

Awaken The Light Within You Level I

Pray and Meditate for World Peace Experiencing in the Teaching of ALWY – is the first Step – the first of two Levels to “Awaken the Light Within You”. Have you ever longed to reach an inner state of Inner Calmness and Peace? Have you ever wondered – how you can escape from the Emotional Agitation or Turmoil within you or around you? Do you wish to release the procession of constant Negative Thoughts or Repetitive Thoughts Patterns – going around your head like a Broken Record? Do these Negative Thoughts and Emotions – tend to turn you against yourself or turned you against the people around you? Have you felt it would be too challenging or too expensive – to tackle these situations that disturb your Equanimity? The Practice of ALWY – allows all people to send Loving Energy to every person and every being. This Powerful Energy radiates out into the world – and when one Sends Light, Hope and Divine Strength to others – They are entitled to receive back some of the qualities you are projecting to others. Practitioners Learn to use simple practices on Kindness or Compassion, on Ahimsa, Love, Metta, Du’aa and much more. This intercultural teachings increase ones understanding of a simple process that will help you to rapidly reach and Internal State of Peace, Contentment and Happiness. When practitioners practice regularly – their faces will lighten up and they will be filled with Divine Light… their Heart Energy and their ability to Love themselves as well as others – will increase. It is through understanding the Practice of these Simple Teachings and the Practice of this Meditation – that Practitioners become filled with Light and Internal Peace and Stillness. When you change our Inner State – our outer surroundings likewise tend to change. These Simple Practices benefits both the Practitioner and all People and all Beings – including the animals… within a certain radius. Through millions of People becoming Internally Peaceful – our World will Transform. Greats Spiritual Teachers have taught that in this way – through the group effort of projecting Love, Caring, Positive Thoughts and Emotions to all others – without exception – we may reach World Peace. Prerequisites: Open to public (Participants should be older 16 years) Duration: 3 to 4 hours or first half day.

The Brain Power Workout

Are your Elderly Parents forgetful – and unable to remember when they paid their last utility bills? Are your children receiving high marks – or are their exams scores constant concern? If these conditions that concern you – here is an interesting options that may enhance the quality of your life – and improve the lives of your family members. This occurs through Stimulating your Mental Power! In 2 short Minutes can turn on your BRAIN – with The Brain Boosting Exercise – which is so simple even a Child can do it! The Brain Boosting Exercise will Upgrade your Performance, Improve your Recollection, Accelerate Learning, Sharpen your Business Negotiations – so that YOU can Unlock your True Potential. In only minutes – The Brain Boosting Exercise Synchronizes and Balances the Hemisphere of your Brain – which will increase your Capacity to Think Faster – so that you may out Perform your Competitors. In only 2 ½ hours you may learn how to Enhance and Stimulate your Mental Power… and Increase the Clarity of your Thinking which will increase your Confidence… Give your Brain “The Muscle” it needs… The Workshop Time: 2.5 Hours Prerequisites: None

Yoga Prana Vidya Level II

Yoga Prana Vidya Level II is for all those who feel the need to have more Knowledge and a broader Understanding regarding Energy and its Applications – than given in Level I. This Level gives a Practitioner advanced Techniques to professionalize their skills through the Application of Color Energy Treatments. In this Workshop Practitioners will learn to more deeply understand that Energy Technology is not based only on the Movement of the Hands nor should their knowledge be limited to a simple understanding of proper Energy Flow. Regular Spiritual Practice gives the Practitioner a clear sharp Mind which assists in clarifying their Intention to Utilize and Project the correct Frequency of Subtle Energy, the correct Tone of Colored Energy, and the proper Quantity or Dose of the Colored Energy they wish to Project. Colored Energies are used to increase the Vibration of a Client’s Energy Information Field, of an Energy Center, or of a certain Area in a Client’s life. Imbalances may rapidly be shifted into free flowing Energy. This will allow for rapid Transformation and Revitalization of the Client’s Energy System. During this 2-Day Workshop – Fundamental Concepts are imparted. This allows for an upgrading and amplification of a Practitioner’s ability to utilize Subtle Energy – through their enhanced Understanding of the High Potency and Power of Colored Energies. Advanced Techniques provided – assist a Practitioner to more accurately Assess the Energy Field, Energy Centers, as well as different Areas of the body and its Organs. Practitioners learn how to rapidly determine if Unwanted Energy Connections are present in a Client’s Energy System. These “Cords” whether permissible or impermissible – may be rapidly removed from the Client’s Energy Field during a Treatment. Practitioners will learn to use Spiritual Healing, Invocative Treatments – and Ancient Divine Healing Techniques Energy Hygiene for Practitioners is emphasized and explained. This Workshop is an extension of Level I. Practitioners may upgrade their knowledge and understanding of Energy Treatments – through the presentation of this comprehensive new information. The Knowledge shared – may be utilized immediately! Innovative Treatments utilizing Subtle Energy may be easily applied and the Practitioner – is usually able to produce a predictable positive outcome. The Workshop Time: Approximately 16 Hours Prerequisites: Yoga Prana Vidya Level I

Awaken The Light Within You – Level II

Ignite Your Soul When a Practitioner reaches a State of Inner Stillness – then there may be a moment when they experience a sensation like a gentle but intense internal explosion. They may experience simultaneously or suddenly be aware of an intense degree of Oneness with their soul, with God and with ALL. This is why this part of Awakening the Light Within You – is called “Ignite your Soul”… When this breakthrough comes – the Practitioner, symbolically speaking – moves through a gateway – that unlock deeper Understanding of the Subtle Inner World, as well as Spiritual Truths – including Incarnation, Karma, Clairvoyance and ultimately Spiritual Liberations. They may experience any levels of Universal Truth – while on the Path to Illumination. In Level II of Awkening the Light Within You the student learns simple techniques – that readily allow them to move through this gateway into the blissfulness of Divine Oneness. To reach this stage – a short simple serious of Teaching and Techniques – are recommended. Through regular Practice generally Practitioners develop Greater Compassion and their Will Power and Energy Level is substantially Increased. They become better channels for the Devine Light, Love and Power. Swami Muktananda wrote about his personal experiences during Meditation… and stated “In the center of effulgence (Luminous Lights) light a tiny and fascinatingly beautiful light… when your Meditation deepen you begin to see it, Sparkling and Scintillating. Sometimes it comes out of Eyes and stands in front of you. It moves with the speed of Lightening and it is so subtle that when it passes through the eye… the eye does not feel its Movements…”                                                         – Extracted from Does Death Really Exist? By Swami Muktananda, ©1995, page 36 Prerequisites: Awaken the Light Within You – Level I Duration: 4-5 hours or 2nd Half Day.